Freitag, 11. März 2011

|master thesis is an asshole|

I have to hand in my master thesis in about a week and I can't wait for it, because I will have my life back then. Shopping, meeting friends, blogging, going to the movies..... Awww, as I said master thesis is an asshole!
Jawohl, Masterarbeit ist ein Arschloch und ich meld mich heut nicht eher zurück bis auf meiner Seitenzahl unten ne 24 steht, also machts gut :D


4 Kommentare:

  1. work hard and nice proverb btw!

    love from spain.

  2. Totally agree, although I´m just writing my bahelor thesis. But this one is definitely an asshole too!!

  3. Poor thing! On the bright side, finishing the thesis means you're really DONE! Good luck.


just feel free to leave your comment, thx ♥ würde mich freuen, wenn ihr mir was hinterlasst ♥

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