Donnerstag, 31. März 2011

|never let me go|

I went to a Sneak Preview with my boyfriend and one of my girls yesterday. I really love Sneak Previews because you really get the chance to see the best movies long before they are playing in the cinemas. It seems to start well yesterday, because the movie was produced by "20th Century Fox" and Keira Knightley was one of the actresses, but the whole movie turned out be a total flop.

The movie is called "Never let me go" (Alles was wir geben mussten) and is about three children who are raised in a boarding school. All the children were just "created" to donate their organs when they are adults. It kind of seems that the children all were brainwashed at that school, because they are all longing for donating their organs. So absurd. But take a look at the trailer yourself (which is quite better than the movie was in the end).

Keira Knightley is so adorable in that movie

The best thing about that movie was "winning an 'Inception'-poster before the movie started" (my boyfriend...hahaha :D), so I really can't recommend it to you guys :)

And last but not least, yesterday's outfit. Yes, I love BOWs

 Blazer, Shirt New Yorker
Bracelet, Bag Primark

I'm going to make myself some spinach and eggs right now (yummy!!!) and afterwards I will enjoy the new episode of "Germany's next topmodel"


Dienstag, 29. März 2011

|it's all about scarves|

Like Jessica Alba I love to wear scarves.


And because I love wearing scarves so much, I really have to admit that I have way to many scarves. It took me hours to sort them all the other day (you can see the pictures below). And while sorting them I realized, that I'm wearing the same scarves all the time, which is pretty sad for all the other beautiful scarves I own. So, April will all be about "Another day, another scarf"! 30 days and 30 different scarves! You will all have the chance to see them in my daily "Scarf of the day (SOTD)" :D

My SOTD-project will start on Friday, so stay tuned you lovely readers


Sonntag, 27. März 2011

|this week's payoff|

It's finally back: this week's payoff! - Nach einer Masterarbeits-bedingten Pause, gibt es endlich wieder meinen Sonntagsfüller!

1. I'm totally in love with my new Japan-Shirt - and it's for a good cause

2. my constant companion at the moment

3. today I will have my first barbecue this year, yummy

4. it's only for weeks til Eastern ♥

5. it's finally time to wear Ballerina flats again and I'm so loving it  

6. I sorted all my bracelets and stuff this week, I'm wondering how long I will keep it that tidy?!? :) 

7. I watched "The Cove" this week and it made me cry and angry and kind of helpless.... Loved it

Hope you're going to have a nice and sunny Sunday


Samstag, 26. März 2011

|Mini-Haul - New Yorker Sale|

There are still al lot of things on sale at all New Yorker stores. It's quite awesome, I just paid 10€ for all the things below. Have a look:

I hope you all have a great weekend. What are your plans for this weekend? I have to go to work today :( Tonight I'm going to play poker with some of my friends. And tomorrow? Maybe we'll have a barbecue but I'm not sure yet


Freitag, 25. März 2011

|I want to wake up in that city that never sleeps|

Good morning you lovely readers,

I'm so so so so excited because I will go to New York and Toronto this May :D I just booked the flights yesterday. Aaahhhh, I really can't describe how excited I am. Me and my boyfriend will spend 10 days in New York and afterwards we'll fly to Toronto for 4 days. I've been to Canada before for a school exchange and now I will go back to see my exchange student again. I'm so looking forward to it. Here's a little foretaste:

Have you ever been to New York? And do you have any suggestions? And where are you going to spend your holidays this year?


Donnerstag, 24. März 2011

|Maastricht - Haul & DimSum|

I went to Maastricht, Netherlands yesterday. It was such a sunny day and I really enjoyed the sun while shopping. Although there are some shops in Maastricht, that we haven't here in Germany, I remained true to H&M and New Yorker. I know, it's kinda stupid,'s what I bought:

alles Ann Christin

alles H&M

Everytime I go to Maastricht, I also go to a Chinese Restaurant to have DimSum. I love, love, love DimSum, it's so yummy And if you wanna enjoy real chinese food, DimSum is the best way to do it. 

Hope you have a great night


|Schoggi-Spende für Japan|

Ihr habt bestimmt schon von der europaweiten Blog-Aktion von my swiss chocolate gehört, bei der man Gutscheine für 1 Tafel Schokolade inkl. Versand geschenkt bekommt. Die liebe Linny hat mich beschenkt und deshalb möchte ich mich natürlich auch an der Aktion beteiligen.

Und so gehts:
  1. Wir verschenken mySwissChocolate Gutscheine (1 gratis Tafel inkl. Versand) an 10 Blogger unserer Wahl (dies ist nun bereits geschehen)
  2. Jeder der 10 Blogger kann nun wiederum Gutscheine an max 10 weitere Blogs verschenken. “Weiterschenken”  kann man, indem man in seinem Blog über die Aktion berichtet und 1-10 weitere Blogs benennt. Bitte informiere die von Dir beschenkten Blogs doch auch direkt wenn möglich, damit der Bloglauf nicht stockt.
  3. Ob ein Blog bereits “beschenkt” wurde, erfährt man hier in unserem Blog. Wir aktualisieren die Liste mehrmals täglich. Ein Blog kann nur 1 Gutschein erhalten (aber wie gesagt max. 10 Gutscheine virtuell weiter verschenken an weitere Blogs).
  4. Setzt bitte UNBEDINGT einen Backlink als Kommentar in unserem Blog zu Eurem Bericht – sonst erfahren wir ja nicht, an wen wir nachher all die Gutscheine versenden sollen.

Ich möchte gerne folgende Blogs beschenken:

Nicole ( 

Wünsch euch nen wunderschönen, sonnigen Tag


Dienstag, 22. März 2011

|if you carry your childhood with you,...|

you'll never become older.

Die liebe Cathrin und die liebe Helena hatten mich vor ein paar Tagen getagged, aber leider komme ich wegen meiner Masterarbeit erst jetzt dazu den Tag zu schreiben. Darin gehts um Kindheitserinnerungen.

1. Lieblingsgetränk: Vitamalz, als Kind und ich liebe es auch heute noch. Außerdem Kakao!

2. Lieblingsessen: Spaghetti, Spinat und Hühnerfrikasse!

3. Lieblingsspielzeug: Playmobil, Barbies, Sagaland....

4. Lieblingsserie: Gummibärenbande und die Schlümpfe.

5. Lieblingsfilm: Arielle, My Girl, Immenhof

6. Lieblingsrituale: Sonntag Morgen, halb 7, meine Schwester und ich sind immer in Schlafanzug rüber zu meiner Oma geschlichen (die mit Haus wohnte), haben uns dort mit ihr unter die Decke gekuschelt und so lange Zeichentrickserien geschaut, bis meine Eltern wach wurden :)

7. Prägnante Erinnerung: In einem Zoo hat ein Pferd mal meine Jacke gefressen :( seitdem hab ich Angst vor Pferden!

Wünsch euch noch nen schönen Abend, ihr Lieben


P.S. Außerdem wollte ich mich bei euch bedanken, für fast 1000 Klicks und mittlerweile 51 Leser. You're simply the best

|back to life, back to reality...|

...back to here and now YEAH!!! I yesterday handed in my master thesis and guys, I can't tell how relieved I am. It just feels so great to never write a single word for this stupid thesis - cause I'm finally done :D In the last few weeks I spent every single minute that I hadn't to go to work with writing my master thesis, so it feels quite akward to have so much spare time now. But what am I going to do with all that spare time? Well, first I really have to clean and tidy up my appartement, it's so dirty everywhere. And then I eventually will have time to blog again and to answer all your lovely comments :)

I had to pay 52€ to get my master thesis printed, so no more shopping this month :(

so much spare time now :)))

I just saw "Hall Pass - One week, no rules". I actually love Owen Wilson-movies, but this one really is a no-go.   
Hope you all can enjoy the sunny day

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